Demand for Giving Scale 21 to Professors is Accepted 15000 Lecturers will be Recruited

Demand for Giving Scale 21 to Professors is Accepted 15000 Lecturers will be Recruited

Demand for Giving Scale 21 to Professors is Accepted 15000 Lecturers will be Recruited. Negotiations with the Secretary of Higher Education Punjab of Punjab Professors and Lecturers Association were successful and Recruitment will be made soon.

The negotiations between the Secretary of Higher Education Punjab and the Punjab Professors and Lecturers Association on the 11-point charter of demand have been successful. For the first time in the history of Pakistan, the government has also given seats of scale 21 and high scale to professors. The professors demanded immediate merit promotions on the scale which was approved by the Higher Education Secretary.

Among the leaders of the association, Central President Dr. Zahid Ahmed, Secretary Trey Tanveer Shadda, Amna Manto and Hanif Abbasi demanded that the lecturers be promoted to scale 17 to 18, associate professors to scale 18 to 19, associate professors to scale 20 and professors to scale 21. The allowances of the principals of all the colleges across the province should be increased.

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The Secretary of Higher Education, while correcting the part of the demand, said that the promotion of professors in scale 21 is being done quickly, there is no longer any ambiguity, according to the formula, they have been promoted in this scale on all the seats that will be created.

More than 15,000 vacant posts of lectures professors in all 550 colleges across Punjab will also be recruited this year.



Demand for Giving Scale 21 to Professors is Accepted 15000 Lecturers will be Recruited


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